flareonfury wrote in harpieicons May 04, 2011 13:19
doctor who: doctor, crossover: doctor who/moonlight, haven: audrey, doctor who, spider-man: movies, doctor who: donna, moonlight, harry potter, crossover: doctor who/x-men, *icons, roswell: michael, spider-man, fantastic 4, lost girl, supernatural, crossover: doctor who/wizards of waverly, glee, crossover: doctor who/haven, smallville, crossover: doctor who/glee, harry potter: hermione, !table: xovers20in20, harry potter: harry, wizards of waverly place, fantastic 4: movies, smallville: chloe, glee: quinn, lost girl: bo, wizards of waverly place: alex, supernatural: sam, spider-man: peter, x-men: rogue, crossover: doctor who/lost girl, roswell, supernatural: jo, crossover: doctor who/harry potter, crossover: doctor who/smallville, supernatural: dean/sam, x-men, x-men: cyclops, supernatural: dean, haven, crossover: doctor who/fantastic 4, crossover: doctor who/spider-man, moonlight: beth, doctor who: rose, crossover: doctor who/supernatural, glee: kurt, crossover: doctor who/roswell, fantastic 4: johnny, doctor who: doctor/rose, x-men: movies
flareonfury wrote in harpieicons Mar 25, 2010 04:08
crossover: ncis/smallville, smallville: jason, *icons, ncis: gibbs, ncis: kate, ncis: tony, smallville, smallville: clark, smallville: lois, smallville: zatanna, !table: xovers20in20, smallville: chloe, ncis, ncis: ziva, smallville: oliver, ncis: ducky
flareonfury wrote in harpieicons Feb 19, 2010 00:44
firefly: kaylee, firefly: book, *icons, firefly: wash, firefly: zoe, firefly: mal, smallville, smallville: clark, !table: xovers20in20, smallville: chloe, firefly: jayne, firefly: river, firefly, firefly: simon, crossover: firefly/smallville, smallville: oliver
flareonfury wrote in harpieicons Jan 25, 2010 23:17
merlin: arthur, !table: xovers20in20, smallville: chloe, crossover: merlin/smallville, *icons, merlin, smallville
flareonfury wrote in harpieicons Dec 19, 2009 18:12
crossover: smallville/supernatural, fringe: peter, harry potter: draco, crossover: roswell/smallville, harry potter, *icons, merlin, crossover: fringe/smallville, xena the warrior princess: ares, roswell: michael, true blood: eric, supernatural, crossover: smallville/vampire diaries, merlin: arthur, crossover: smallville/xena the warrior p, !table: xovers20in20, bones, greek: cappie, crossover: smallville/true blood, fringe, roswell: max, crossover: bones/smallville, underworld: lucian, crossover: harry potter/smallville, bones: booth, greek, crossover: smallville/underworld, roswell, blood ties: henry, supernatural: castiel, blood ties, vampire diaries, crossover: smallville/x-men, underworld, vampire diaries: damon, x-men, xena the warrior princess, x-men: cyclops, true blood, crossover: merlin/smallville, crossover: greek/smallville, crossover: blood ties/smallville